I just helped someone trying to use Google Chrome to work in VCM. The instructions below enable Silverlight in Chrome. If you are working with someone that wants to use Chrome to run VCM you will probably need to do the steps below to enable it. Just wanted to share in case anyone else runs it this.

How to Enable NPAPI plugins (Silverlight) - Windows only

1. Open Chrome and browse to chrome://flags/#enable-npapi

2. Click the Enable NPAPI setting.


3. After that, click "Relaunch Now" at the bottom of your Chrome window. Note: Closing and reopening Chrome is not sufficient, you must click the "Relaunch Now" button.


4. Once Chrome relaunches, verify Silverlight is installed by browsing to http://www.microsoft.com/getsilverlight/Get-Started/Install/Default.aspx

5. If you see the below message, browse back out to Panopto and continue as normal


6. If you see the below message, Silverlight is not currently installed. Please click the "Click to Install" button to install Silverlight.


Derek Dart|Goodfellow Bros., Inc.

Sr. Systems Administrator

P.O. Box 598, 1407 Walla Walla Ave

Wenatchee, WA 98807

Direct: (509) 885-9373

Helpdesk: (855) 846-8625